Tuesday, 13 September 2011

♥ Childhood love story ♥

They are grown ups of age 19 now.
But they have known each other since the day they were born.

They were young and knew nothing about love at that age
.They used to fight for the slightest thing.

Years surely did pass by quick.

By the time you even realise it, they have started to go to school and now they were the best buddies.
They did not go to the same school.
It would not be possible cause both lived in different parts of Singapore.
Since the day they were born, both their families always thought that the two would end up with each other, perfect couple to be more specific.
Everyone knew that they shared something more than friendship.

Then comes the age where everyone knows the definition of love.
But obviously not the age to go on a steady or something.
Does not mean they do not have the rights to experience it and feel love.
They both knew that they were in love and that was with each other.
They were not close buds anymore.
They started to talk using their eyes.
They knew how exactly each other felt at every point of time.
How long can they be silent and just use their eyes to talk.

There came the age where everyone wants to have a relationship.

Teenage years.

They both started their secondary school lives.
They started meeting new people and they guy here made a huge mistake.
Just to experience a relationship and fearing to approach the love of his live, he asks out another girl.
He starts to have many other relationships with other girls and hides this from the only childhood love.
Truth can't be hidden for long.
That is when she gets to find out and her heart is broken into a million pieces.

She used to cry every night thinking about how much he changed and about the trust that he broke.
That was when she met this guy and she started to date him.

They are growing older as every year came by but their love never grew old.

How long can this go on?
However she was ready to leave her guy any time just to get together with her childhood love.
Well now they are nineteen.
He is attached with a girl and she loves her truly. They have been together for the past 3 years.
She is attached with the guy she loves the most and now she won't ever leave him for her childhood love. They have been together for 5 years now.

But leaving the fact that they both are not willing to leave their loved ones for each now, they were each other's first and true love. The only thing no one would ever forget in life even after moving on.
The only difference is that now when they see each other, they talk normally, but only people who knows this story would be able to0 see that they both still remember the hurts they have gone through.

Now we know that both of them have relationships.
He gets to find out that she is attached and he breaks down.
The love that he had on her was the only true one that he had.
Both of them basically from then on tried making each other jealous.

Well this is a real childhood love story that I know and to be truthful, this is a story that moved me a lot.
Peace and just spread the love.

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